自從我寫起此部落格Taipei Hiker,已經十年過去了。看自己的初期文章,確實發覺時光的長久。到目前為止寫了五百七十多篇。在十年期間有了各樣的事件。剛逢十周年的時期,我回顧一下自己的活動和日常的想法,將以日文、中文和英文寫作我的感言,不過內容不一定相同,可能隨意隨寫。
Since I started this blog Taipei Hiker, 10 years have passed. My early articles definitely make me feel the time has passed away. The total count of article is over 570. There have been many things to remember in the decade. I would like to look back and write a few points of my idea on this 10th anniversary. I place this in Japanese, Chinese as well as English, though the content is not necessarily identical.
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2020/10 干卓萬縱走 |
社会にでて仕事を始めると、山から遠ざかっていた。海外での勤務が多いこともある。10年前仕事人生が一段落し、自由な時間が多くなった時、山を思い出しまた登り始めた。若いころに山を歩いていたので、台湾の山を歩くことは地図やその他装備があれば、大丈夫だと思い一人で歩き始めた。もちろん、最初は台北付近のしっかり整備されている登山道のある山から始めた。台湾の山がどのようなものなのか、体験し一歩一歩その程度を上げていく、というスタンスだ。最初の山行は、近くの南港山縦走だった。そのうち、知り合いの日本人友人が同行したいということで、メンバーを連れて歩き始めた。それが、Taipei Hiker Clubの始まりだ。
進入社會開始工作後,自然而然遠離登山。在國外工作較久也是其原因之一。十年前我離開全職工作面臨多餘時間,想到年輕時很瘋狂的登山去試一試。有年輕時的經驗,我沒有疑慮或不安,只要有地圖和適當的裝備,我覺得應該沒問題,於是單獨去爬台北附近的郊山。儘管有日本登山經驗,台灣山岳還是不一樣,所以我的初期爬山是走路況和路標完善的台北親山步道,陽明山公園步道等,較容易的路線了解環境。我第一次的山行是從家裡看到的南港山之縱走。我如此單獨去走郊山一段時間,日本人朋友要我帶他們一起去、從此有伙伴去爬山了,這也就是Taipei Hiker Club的起源。
I just turned 67 years old in this April and belong to the group of "senior citizens". I go for hiking 60 to 70 times a year. Hiking has become as if my job. I started my hiking life when I was a high school boy. I met two classmates who loved hiking. I joined a hiking club of the school upon their invitation without much thought. The club carried out all sorts of mountaineering. Several-day high mountain treks are a must for every summer. Besides we climbed snow-covered mountains in winter and did river tracing, even rock climbing though at a beginners' level, which was just like activities of college clubs though a bit easier. This was possible because the teacher in care of our club and the vice principal were also devoted hikers and supported us. Graduated senior members came and join the activities and trained us. I was enchanted and spent 100 days in wilderness then. Under the today's stringent rules of safety at high schools, our younger members fifty years later find it difficult to carry out even high mountain treks. Indeed time has brought a big change.
Upon entering the society with a regular job, I drifted away from hiking. Due to my job requirement, I stayed away from my home country for a long time and this is one of the reasons too. When I found a lot of free time after leaving my full-time job 10 years ago I thought about my young days of doing a lot of hiking. I tried to hike again without much apprehension because I had a confidence that with maps and adequate equipment I could do it. In spite of my experiences in hiking in Japan, mountains in Taiwan are different and I started out with easy hiking routes in my vicinity like Qinshan trails of Taipei or official trails of Yangmingshan National Park which are in good condition and complete signage, My first hike was to Mt. NanGanShan which is visible from where I live. As I kept hiking trips all by myself for a while, my Japanese friends asked me to take them for hiking. I have gotten my hiking company since then and this is when Taipei Hiker Club commenced.
The Japanese friends of early days in hiking trips have long been back to the country. Local Taiwan friends have kept coming in my club to the present level. Some members have stayed with me since the very early time while some have left. As long as you are a hiking enthusiast and share the same objectives with me, I accept you. If you find it not suitable and leave, I let you go. This is my basic attitude for membership. Hiking is a kind of activity leaving the ordinary day life behind and spend time in wilderness. Everyone has his/her own life after coming down from mountains, so we do not interfere each other.
My simple and easy hiking in the early days has elevated step by step to our several-day treks over high mountains and to less-known mid-level mountains today. If you have more experience and capability you can try more challenging mountains. There is no final goal for it. Compared with 10 years ago, my physical strength has definitely declined, In order to keep going to those yet challenging targets I keep the present frequency of hiking as well as training in gym. Latest studies reveal that hiking can help increase your health, As a matter of fact I have had no trouble in my knees. I take no supplements. I have little health problems in my daily life. I believe it helps to keep your mental health too. I need to study the routes of hiking activities, prepare a plan and carry it out. I have fellow hikers to follow me, which is a responsibility. These things keep my head clear. Hiking alone is fine. If you have company it would be better, particularly in a time of hardship we help each other and get though, which gives me satisfaction and joy. Having fellow hikers keeps me going further.
I have completed 80 peaks of so-called 100 High Mountains, and plan to go to the rest. I want to visit more other peaks too. This motivates me to exercise regularly and keeps myself fit. Taiwan as well as Japan have turned into the "aged society". Health of a senior citizen is of course his /her individual issue. I believe that staying healthy is also his/her responsibility to the society. In a welfare society, the government spends a huge budget for senior citizens. Aged people's health influences their quality of life as well as their family members and the society as a whole. Regular exercise helps you stay healthy. Hiking among many kinds of exercise is a kind that you can do even in elderly years of life.
Taiwan once was under the Japanese regime. It was the era when low land people advanced into the territory of indigenous people in mountains. Countless conflicts of blood and tears occurred. After peace was established, alpinism of Taiwan sprung up. There are many sites of such places of historical events and objects deep in Taiwan mountains. Finding these things on my trips ignited my curiosity in history of Japan and Taiwan. If I had not had hiked mountains, I would hardly have payed any attention to the contemporary history. As being a Japanese national, hiking gives me another significance besides appreciation of wilderness.
I am not sure whether I will be here in this world a decade later. Nonetheless as long as I can walk, I will keep hiking, keep enjoying precious time with my fellow hikers and keep challenging my physical capability and will. I hereby express my many thanks to my family who let me go hiking and fellow hikers who encourage me to keep on going!!
1972/01 日本甲武信岳 筆者17歳 Author at Mt. Kobushi-dake Japan, Jan. 1971 at age of 17 |